Andrea Hasler
Irreducible Complexity

The two new works of the series ‘Irreducible Complexity’ by Andrea Hasler, offer models of relational aesthetics that are undesirable at first glance in terms of the ideal tie between desire and the social sphere. The abject quality inhibits our instant desire to touch the soft and malleable surface. The works speak of nature, which reference existentialist moments within the repetitive scenario between power and struggle, consumed and consumer, subject and object, action and reaction in popular culture.

The installation consists of human scale sculpted wax figures growing into erupted intestines: the innermost inside turned out for all to see. Employing external and internal natural forms, the works are critical interpretations of the body as an idea and ideal that entwine with a personal interest and complex narrative, despite a removal of us from them. Under a contextual framework, it is in these areas where humanity seems to suggest a greater even existential connection to the natural world.

In ‘Dual Act’, we are instantly confronted with all that is human. These intertwined bodies appear to have almost wrestled themselves together: their existence is a balancing act. Despite the apparent chaos at first sight, this sculpture speaks of unity and discrepancy, beauty and debauchery, and ultimately, hope.

In ‘Solo Act’, one is brought into a world that seems thoroughly concealed in the body politics, open only to itself encountering a forced existence. The complex narrative becomes simplified and transformed through a string of interpretations and re-interpretations that at the same time exercises a degree of hope and collective desire.

2 sculptures:
‘Irreducible Complexity/ dual aspect’: 155 cm height, 95 cm width, 80 cm depth, 2011
‘Irreducible Complexity/single aspect’: 125cm x 55 x 50cm, 2011 medium:
fibreglass, wood, polystyrene, wax